Saturday, August 31, 2019

Educational Issue Paper: Standards Based Curriculum Essay

There are many concerns that of the education system of the U. S. are faced with. One of these concerns is that the education system does not and can not adequately prepare the students for the 21st century life and work. Because of this, numerous educational professionals across the county have been trying new ways in changing the U. S. educational system. Different educational reforms have been tried and tested in different states. In several states, policy makers are changing the educational system in such a way that the measurement of the effectiveness of teaching and education is being based on results or outcomes instead of traditional inputs such as hours spent in class and in course credits earned. Policy makers have termed this educational reform as the standards-based curriculum or the outcome-based curriculum. The position of the author of this paper is for the standards-based curriculum to be implemented and to continue to be implemented in all states of the U.  S. The author believes that the standards-based curriculum in the U. S. educational system will help improve student learning by the effective restructuring of the teaching and learning process guided by the standards which are set by policy makers and educational experts. The author will therefore aim to provide justifications on siding for the standards-based curriculum in this paper. This paper will further aim to give the strong points as well as the weak points of standards-based curriculum. Standards-based curriculum as an education reform is based on the analogy of education to the business and manufacturing sector where total quality movement is being implemented. Total quality movement in the business sector is a belief that the best way for business organizations to reach their ideal goals is to first determine where they are now and where they want to be in and then plan backwards to determine the best possible way for them to get from where they are now to where they want to be. The main idea behind the standards-based curriculum is standards. A standard is a level of quality or achievement which is thought to be at a level of being acceptable. A standard is also used to measure or to estimate the degree or quality of an object. When used in the educational system, standards would comprise of a cumulative body of knowledge and set of competencies which will be the basis for the quality of education. Standards would express what all students should know and should be able to do after attending school. Standards however, do not include how these students would be able to learn things (Judy Steiner, n. . ). Setting standards in a national level through the standards-based curriculum would give all students equal opportunity because all students would be compared to the same set of standards which would be set nationally. There is a need for these standards to be at a national level in order to have a degree of uniformity in every school. If these standards would not be uniform then each teacher or each school would set his or their own standards for students. The demands on students would then be different from teacher to teacher or from school to school. If this happens then there would be inconsistency in both instruction and in assessment. Thus, it is important that national standards should be set in the standards-based curriculum. Another advantage of having a standards-based curriculum is that it provides students with clear understanding on what they need to know at different levels of their education. Exams and assessment on student learning are given on a national level to determine the progress of students in achieving the set standards. These assessment procedures would also indicate students who are not achieving the standards earlier in order to give them effective remedial assistance (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). Having set standards through the standards-based curriculum would create effective learning because the curriculum would provide all students the expectations that the state has for them. Having set standards would also be beneficial to the different stakeholders in education. Standards-based curriculum would provide the state with a common reference tool which can be used to define the framework for national testing. Standards-based curriculum would also provide schools and districts with a clear focus on how to develop and organize their instructions and assessment programs as well as the content that they will include in their curriculum. Standards-based curriculum would also help teachers to design and restructure their way of teaching and assessment and would help them create more meaningful lessons. Teachers would also be asked to make their students understand clearly the expectations which would improve student learning. For the students, standards-based curriculum would give them a set of performance expectations that would be clear and would help them understand what they need to do to meet the set standards. Standards-based education would also allow the parents to determine how their children are coping up in their education through the communication of the set standards for learning. Once parents know the expectations on their children, then they will know if their children are attaining the standards or not (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). One advantage of standards-based curriculum is that the performance expectations are the ones that are identified. Standards-based curriculum does not indicate how the students should come to attain these set standards. This can be an advantage because teachers, schools and districts would be given the opportunity in coming up with new learning ideas that would enable their students to attain these set standards. Since there are many ways to arrive at the same result, teachers, schools and districts would come up with different approaches in teaching and eventually, through experimentation, would come up with a teaching approach that can be implemented at a national level. However, this can also be seen as a weakness in the standards-based curriculum because it would lead to the question of who will be held accountable in determining what standards to be set and how the schools and districts would reach the set standards (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). There are also other concerns about the weakness of a standards-based curriculum that it would lead to a centralized education in the U. S. Opponents of the standards-based curriculum argue that this educational reform would undermine innovation at the local level. Schools and districts would not be given the opportunity of improving their education system within themselves. Opponents to the standards-based curriculum also argue that setting national standards would limit what students should learn and would not allow for diversity among students and the specific needs of the different populations. Some learning expectations that are demanded from students may be applicable to some states but may not be applicable to other states or population within the U. S. (Judy Steiner, n. d. ). Although there are many concerns regarding standards-based curriculum, the author still maintains his position in favor for the standards-based curriculum because the author believes that this type of educational reform has more positive effects than it has negative. Another positive effect this type of curriculum has is on the assessment of students. Traditional curriculum would rely on students’ memorization and mastery of the subject matter in order to get good grades or marks during examinations. This type of assessment has the purpose of determining if students have learned specific knowledge that is part of the curriculum. In the standards-based curriculum, assessment is intertwined with standards and has become an integral part of both the curriculum and the instruction program. Assessment through the standards-based curriculum no longer tests students in terms of the accumulation of facts and information but would rather emphasize on the students use and application of such knowledge. Standards-based curriculum would then assess students on their ability to think critically in terms of knowledge application. Standards-based curriculum would focus on testing students’ higher order thinking skills rather than just their ability to master lessons or memorization. Assessment in a standards-based curriculum becomes a continuous process which would provide teachers the performance data of students to be set as a benchmark as students move on to the next level in education. Assessment in a standards-based curriculum creates an environment where students would become successful since assessment is not as rigid as those of the traditional curriculum. Students can attain a standard at different acceptable levels. All in all, standards-based curriculum has more positive effects than it has negative effects in education. Standards should be well thought of and should be applicable to all populations of the country. However, standards in and of themselves are meaningless. The author believes that the important thing to consider in the standards-based curriculum is how teachers, educators, schools, districts and other policy makers in education help the students in attaining these set standards. There should be a very good monitoring system in ensuring that teachers are doing everything possible in making sure that students attain and achieve the performance expectations that are asked from them.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Meaning of Holy Grail

The Tradition: The Holy Grail was a vessel used by Christ at the Last Supper. Given to his grand-uncle, St. Joseph of Arimathea, it was used by him to collect Christ's blood and sweat while Joseph tended him on the Cross. After Christ's death, Joseph was apparently imprisoned in a rock tomb similar to the one he had given for the body of his grand-nephew. Left to starve, he was sustained for several years by the power of the Grail which provided him with fresh food and drink every morning. Later, St. Joseph travelled to Britain with his family and several followers. He settled at Ynys Witrin (Glastonbury), but the Grail was taken to Corbenic where it was housed in a spectacular castle, guarded always by the Grail Kings, descendants of Joseph's daughter, Anna (Enygeus) and her husband, Brons. Centuries later, the location of the Great Castle of Corbenic became forgotten. At the Court of King Arthur, however, it was prophesied that the Grail would one day be rediscovered by a descendant of St. Joseph: the best knight in the land, the only man capable of sitting in the mysterious Siege Perilous. When such a man arrived in the form of Galahad, the son of Lancelot, along with a miraculous, though brief, vision of the Grail itself, a quest to find this holiest of relics began. Through many adventures and many years, the Knights of the Round Table crossed Britain from one end to another in their search. Perceval (Peredyr) discovered the castle in a land that was sickly like its spear-wounded King. When entertained by this â€Å"Fisher† or â€Å"Grail King†, however, he failed to ask of the grail and left empty-hand. Lancelot next reached Corbenic, but was prevented from entering because of he was an adulterer. Finally Galahad arrived. He was permitted entry to the Grail Chapel and allowed to gaze upon the great cup. His life became complete and together grail and man were lifted up to heaven. The Names: The Holy Grail first appears as simply â€Å"a grail† in the works of Chretien de Troyes. The word is probably derived from the Old French word graal meaning a â€Å"broad and capacious dish or salver†. Though usually thought of as being a cup or chalice, the Grail has indeed been variously described as a platter, dish, a cornucopia, horn of plenty or even a book or a stone. The name of the Castle of Corbenic has competing explanations. Old Welsh Cors, meaning â€Å"Horn,† the Horn of Plenty as the Grail is sometimes described may have become confused with the Old French Corps, producing Corps-Benoit meaning â€Å"Holy Body,† ie. the Body of Christ. More likely, however, is the suggestion that Corbenic stems from Corbin-Vicus. The ending is almost certainly derived from the Latin for â€Å"Settlement,† while Corben is a French translation of the word Crow or Raven: Bran in Welsh. This was also a man's name and, as Brons, he appears as St. Joseph's son-in-law, one of the first Grail Kings. Hence Corbenic was â€Å"Bran's Settlement†. It may be identical to the home of Lancelot's father, Caer-Benwick. Ancient Origins: The quest for a divine vessel was a popular theme in Arthurian legend long before medieval writers introduced the Holy Grail to British mythology. It appears in the Mabinogion tale of Culhwch and Olwen, but particularly well-known is the story of the Preiddeu Annwfn or â€Å"Spoils of the Otherworld† as recounted by Taliesin. Arthur and his warriors sail off to the Celtic Otherworld to capture the pearl-rimmed Cauldron of Annwfn: like the grail it was a giver of plenty, but also of prophecy. It was at last discovered at Caer-Siddi (or Wydyr), an island bound castle of glass, where it was guarded by nine divine maidens; but the ensuing perils were too much for even Arthur's men. The mission was abandoned and only seven of their number returned home. Celtic Cauldrons were used in ceremonial feasting as early as the Late Bronze Age. Ritual deposits in Llyn Fawr (Glamorgan) included such vessels, though the best known example is the Gundestrup Cauldron found in the peat bogs of Jutland (Denmark). Highly decorated with portraits of many Celtic deities, this vessel would once have held up to twenty-eight and a half gallons of liquid. These finds clearly point to the religious importance of cauldrons, as found in the Arthurian stories and even older Celtic mythological parallels. The magic Otherworld vessel was the Cauldron of Ceridwen, the Celtic Goddess of Inspiration. She is remembered today in the archetypal hideous cauldron-stirring witch. She once set about brewing a drink of knowledge and wisdom for her hideous son, but her kitchen-boy, Gwion, accidentally tasted the concoction, preventing anyone else from benefitting from its affects. A great battle of wills ensued, for Gwion now held all the knowledge to escape the Goddess' wrath. The two changed themselves into various animals in an attempt to outwit each other before Gwion was swallowed whole as a grain of wheat. He was eventually reborn as the great bard, Taliesin! The cauldron then reappears in the story of Bran Fendigaid (the Blessed), not only as a vessel of knowledge and plenty, but also of rebirth. The great Celtic warrior God, Bran, obtained his life-giving vessel from a giantess (or thinly veiled Ceridwen) who had been expelled from a Lake in Ireland. The Emerald Isle here personifies the Celtic Otherworld. The magic vessel would restore to life the body of any dead warrior placed within it: a scene apparently depicted on the Gundestrup Cauldron. Bran's sister marries the King of Ireland and they are given the cauldron as a wedding gift. However, when hostilities between the two countries break out, Bran travels across the ocean to regain this dangerous prize. He is eventually successful, but is wounded by a poisoned spear and, like Arthur, only seven of his men return home. The name, the castle (already discussed), the wound, the mystic vessel, the journey: Bran Fendigaid is clearly Brons, the Grail King, son-in-law of Joseph of Arimathea.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Anne Sexton Literary Essay

Anne Sexton transforms the well-known fairytale Snow White into a sardonic piece of writing that reflects societal perceptions of the woman. In her poem she explores the idea that a woman is nothing more than a doll, something that sits pretty on a shelf for all to admire. She also describes the reliance on men, and how women are becoming dependent and incompetent. She counteracts this with a women’s intelligence compared to her beauty and vanity, and what a woman should be. She explores the idea of beauty and vanity going hand in hand, meaning that even princesses can be vain. Fairytales aren’t real, and they are overrated- happily ever after does not exist, especially for those who aren’t beautiful. All fairytales have a female antagonist, and one that is usually a princess. Snow White is sexualized as the virgin. Good Day Mama,  and shut for the thrust  of the unicorn. She is unsoiled. She is as white as a bonefish. (9-13) This text explains that she innocent and untouched. All that matters to a prince is that she is beautiful and a virgin. A brand new doll with porcelain skin and glassy eyes. cheeks as fragile as cigarette paper, arms and legs made of Limoges, lips like Vin Du Rhà ´ne, rolling her china-blue doll eyes open and shut. (3-7) Sexton compares Snow White to a doll because she is merely an object for ones admiration and love. She is to be pampered and taken care of in return of sitting pretty on the shelf, to be admired. Beauty and vanity play the two-sided coin in this poem, you can’t have one without the other. The queen epitomizes vanity, when she asks the mirror who is the fairest of the land. When the reply is Snow White, she is outraged. Being the most beautiful person in the land is what the queen desires. She craves the attention because beauty is so valued, and Sexton makes that clear. If Snow White or the Queen weren’t beautiful, would anyone ever notice them? Sexton says,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Beauty is a simple passion.† Meaning everyone desires beauty, so those who have it are more noticed. Because Snow White is beautiful, both the prince and the dwarves value her. But with beauty comes vanity, and that is something that Sexton believes in. She believes women should be active and intelligent; beauty is just a faà §ade that relieves women of reaching their full potential. If a woman is beautiful, she can be just as successful as a smart woman without doing all the work because she can rely on men. Any man will want a beautiful wife that does not interfere with his matters. This is what the prince seeks, and finds when he falls in love with Snow White only for her beauty. He stayed so long his hair turned green and still he would not leave. The dwarfs took pity upon him and gave him the glass Snow White– its doll’s eyes shut forever– to keep in his far-off castle. Sexton believes all women should work to be smart, and beauty is no reason not to achieve that. Snow White is unintelligent because she keeps opening the door to the queen even when the dwarfs urge her not too. Her unintelligence is linked to her reliance on a man because she ends up in the happily-ever-after position as the wife of a prince even though she did nothing to deserve it. But what Sexton is trying to show us at the end of the poem that Snow White is now obsessed with herself and her status, and that she will one day be the queen that tries to kill the next young beauty. Meanwhile Snow White held court, rolling her china-blue doll eyes open and shut and sometimes referring to her mirror as women do. The fairytale ending is fictional. The world isn’t Prince Charmings, beautiful princesses, and evil queens that always lose. ‘The End’ isn’t ever the end because it’s a cycle of innocence, beauty, vanity, and then ultimately envy. Beautiful women are nothing more than an item; they rely on men and are not intelligent. They are envious, and full of vanity. The  perfect women doesn’t exist, and there will never be a happily ever after.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Adaptation and Accountability in the Workplace Essay

Adaptation and Accountability in the Workplace - Essay Example A measure that has been taken in my workplace that aid in the accountability process is that of the adaptation of healthcare marketing materials. In order to better understand the issue of adaptation and the involved accountability process with this, the matter itself must be discussed to the full extent. By thoroughly addressing these subjects of interest, we can gain a more intellectual and knowledgeable viewpoint on the subject at hand. The aim of this paper is to do this, as well as envelop any and all other key related factors. This is what will be dissertated in the following. The issue of the adaptation of healthcare marketing materials is far more than just translating the words; rather it is a complex and diverse situation, and is the translating of ideas and doing so in a manner that the target culture will embrace. The most effective adaptations and translations require extensive testing with the basic target audience during all phases of the development process. Cultural adaptation of preventive materials and messages are used to increase access to, and facilitate the benefits of, the preventive benefits are necessary.

Feasibility Study to explore the potential viability of a business in Coursework

Feasibility Study to explore the potential viability of a business in the UAE - Coursework Example Feasibility Study to explore the potential viability of a business in the UAE Essentially a feasibility study intended to explore the viability of a business idea or entity involves various considerations.The intended feasibility study revolves within the tourism industry. This paper intends to consider venturing in hospitality section in one of the Emirates in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This is a service industry that will offer all the hospitality services in a 3- star hotel, particularly to tourists both home-based and international (NEYADI, 2002). Hospitality industry in the UAE is one of the competitive ventures. Both the local and global investors have for the past decade invested in this industry, and have continued to sustain the market trends in service delivery and client satisfaction. United Arab Emirates The coverage and vastness of how much the United Arab Emirates has developed in almost all sectors of economy, primarily in the last decade is consummate, even ahead of the global standards (MAHMOUD, 2012). This incredible growth in political, social and economic sectors has put the United Arabs Emirate in the international chart as one of the cutthroat commercial centers in the world. The UAE is situated in the East of the Arab globe. It stretches to the Gulf of Oman and to the North of the Arabian. UAE has an area of 83,600 km2. The area has plentiful islands. Sand dunes, isolated oases, and extensive deserts characterize the region. Abu Dhabi is the largest of the Emirates. It has an area of 67,300Km2, followed by Dubai with 3,900Km2 and Sharjah occupy an area of 2,600 Km2 (NEYADI, 2002). A federation of seven Emirates formed the United Arab Emirates in 197. The emirates include Sharjah, Ras Al Khima, Dubai, Ajman, Abu Dhabi, Fujairah and Umm Al Quwain. The political structure The UAE observes distinctive leadership. It has no legal political parties. The supreme power rests with the seven heritable Emirs sheikhs. The President who is the commander in chief heads the Armed forces. The prime minister heads the defense ministry and he is the ruler of Dubai. Rulers administrate the other emirates. The Federal National Council, which was formed in 1972, is the UAE parliament (MAHMOUD, 2012). The FNC is presumed as the milestone of the federation’s legitimate and legislative process. The FDC is accountable in advising the cabinet arm of the government and the supreme council. However, the FNC has no jurisdiction to take precedence over the arms’ decisions. The principal function of the council is to offer administrative and lawmaking roles as stipulated by the constitution. The UAE was founding associate of the (GCC). The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members include UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Sultanate of Oman. This kind of leadership has continually provided a stable political environment, which is conducive for investments. Economic trend Political stability has contributed immeasurably to the economic growth attributed to primary sectors of the economy. Some of these sectors include tourism, agriculture oil and gas. The UAE’s GDP has continually grown due to the unremitting political stability (MAHMOUD, 2012). The consequent economic stability is the significant factor for both home and global investors. It is essential to note that, the projected 3-star hotel and resort stands a better position in developing at a high rate due to the well- established financial backdrop based on sound economic ethics under the management of sound institutions (NEYADI, 2002). The social patterns in relation to the UAE population The UAE’

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Fleet Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Fleet Planning - Essay Example According to Clark, fleet commonality avails many benefits to the manufacturer and to the operators of the produced aircraft. Airlines are the operators of these aircraft. They are able to save financially, decrease and comprehend the risks associated with the aircraft. Saving financially is a benefit that fleet commonality provides. This is based on the fact that currently, jet fuel prices have skyrocketed. This has called upon effective planning by airlines to mitigate the negative consequences of these inflated prices. Financial saving is of utmost importance to airlines. Fleet commonality provides financial saving through the provision of common spares for the fleet. The airline does not have to buy spares for aircraft repair from different aircraft manufacturers. This makes it easy to agree on prices and deals that are financially friendly to the airline. This is very significant because aircraft are subject to damage and repairs are needed, without which the aircraft is rendere d useless. It is time dependent because the aircraft model is bound to change with time as the manufacturers alter it to suit demands. The time frame for this benefit could be up to three years after the time of delivery because a present aircraft may not have much in common with a model manufactured three years earlier (Clark, 95).Many airlines have specific ground support apparatus that are well-suited with a specific fleet of aircraft. This means that the airline has invested in these ground support apparatus.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Marketing professional Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing professional - Essay Example The revenue base of the industry has increased at a constant rate of 3.5% and only decreased in 2008-2009 after the business donors cut-back. NFP organisations offer a wide array of services including operating hospitals, schools, and churches, as well as participating in community causes and fundraising events. The products offered a range from a sausage snack to Doctor of Philosophy degree. The prominent factor leading to the growth of NFP in Australia is the government support. This occurs in the form of direct funding, indirect funding e.g. concessions, and providence of a regulatory environment. The government offers financial services to these organisations as recognition for the value of their services in upholding the community welfare. Commercial enterprises have also contributed in the growth of NFPs through philanthropy support. Competition for government contracts and members services has enabled the NFPs to adopt efficient and superior strategies necessary for improvemen t of their competitive orientation. The NFPs associate with commercial entities on many occasions to improve social outcomes of some of their activities. The services offered by NFPs are superior to the ones offered by profit organisations in terms of the fields in which they operate and the basic character. They offer services of higher quality compared to commercial enterprises because they are non-profit oriented. NFP organisations competition with commercial enterprises in Australian is high. Amid this, they command wider acceptability among the society as people oppose the idea of commercialising community services. NFP organisations are inclined to serve people with the greatest need, thus, ensuring equity. Lack of extra charges for their services as required for profit generation makes their services cheaper than those of the commercial organisations. This attracts clientele as well as broadening the customer base leading to widening of service providence. Their focus on one community or group of people at a time cultivates loyalty and attracts preference among the service recipients. NFP organisations have rapidly expanded due to their characteristic property of potential flexibility and adaptability as they are not profit-oriented. This implies that they are capable of taking risks related to the creation of new business opportunities. NFP organisations have widely been accepted in Australia because of their advocacy role. They push for societal advancement as well as the change in government role as they are not market beholden. They are better placed to act as pioneers in various fields through identifying and solve the unaddressed societal problems (Salamon, Hems and Chinnock, 2000). NFP organisations serve as vehicles through which individuals and groups can express their opinions on various issues. This contributes into community building and democratisation through encouraging social interaction that creates the attitudes of trust and reciprocit y. Organisational growth has also been realised by the ability of these organisations to overcome the constraints related to their daily operations. Regulatory constraints are minimised through transforming their legal structures and processes to conform in line with the Australian federal requirements. Their growth has also been sustained through formulation of strategies necessary for overcoming

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research in Motion Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In Motion - Research Paper Example This enhances timely reception and delivery of messages which improve efficiency in business processes. Using this approach, the company introduced the Blackberry as its core product which had a good market reception upon introduction (McQueen, 2010). Despite initial surges in profits, RIM’s products have not remained competitive because of increasing competition from other companies offering better communication platforms and gadgets. Email and SMS have been outdated with introduction of better and more sophisticated communication devices. Samsung Electronics has its Galaxy line of products that allow for direct, video conferencing which enables two people to communicate, via a network, from two different locations. This decline in revenue started in 2011 has made it adopt some survival tactics to remain competitive by reducing operational costs. The company, initially lauded as a high recruiter, shed off 2000 workers in one instance in 2011 thereby drastically reducing its human resource capabilities. Layoffs do not give a company a good image as there are many employees who initiate criminal litigations to demand for their right to stay at their places of service. RIM has organized its employees in teams; this is delegating overall tasks to groups of workers who identify management issues and address them. According to McQueen (2010), one thing lacking in RIM is application of a harmonious working relationship, with effective communication channels among existing employees. This is to improve this teamwork only shown in writing, in the organization’s website. It has had numerous conflicts; a worker wrote a letter to the board of directors in June, 2011 accusing the CEO of having lost direction of the company. The following are human resource initiatives the company should incorporate to remain relevant in an increasingly competitive telecommunications market: The company

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Macroeconomics in Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Macroeconomics in Finance - Essay Example The model is taken to be equally influential as the Keynesian model that which was originally formulated by John Keynes in the 20th century. The model relates employment and aggregate demand to three exogenous quantities namely; the government spending, business expectations by the state and the total amount of money in circulation. The model can be understood in the general equilibrium theory. The model can be used in line with the Phillips curve to make prediction for example an increase in the general employment level would lead to increased inflation rate (the general price rise) the resultant increase in money supply would hence increase employment and the output level (Obstfeld, M. and Kenneth, R.(1996) Under the model a sustained fail in general prices (deflation) will be caused by a shift in the supply curve and more importantly the demand curve for goods and interest. This means a fall in how the prices of goods compared to how much the economy is willing to buy of. It brings the idea of benefit of unemployment, insurance and fluctuations costs. i.e. the unemployed exhibit significant heterogeneity in marginal propensity to consume the available income and in holding of wealth. (Obstfeld, and Kenneth, 1996) Aspects for example it has all the variables that are contained in the IS-LM model i.e. consumption interest rate, expected inflation, the gross domestic product, investment and government spending. (Uzawa, 1969) However, the two models have some differences in their basic setup. The IS curve is given as Y=C+I+G+NX Where NX= net exports While the LM curve is given as M/P=L (I, Y) Where M= money supply P= average price L= liquidity I= interest rate U=GDP Question Two IS -LM-FE Mundell Fleming model in comparing effect of an increase in public spending under fixed exchange rates Under a flexible exchange rate an increase in public spending will translate into an increase in the money supply in any given country. According to this model an increase in money supply will shift the LM curve to the right. The resultant effect will be reduced local interest rate thus

Friday, August 23, 2019

The evolution of semiautomatic rifles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The evolution of semiautomatic rifles - Essay Example After 1885, smokeless powder and a cupro-nickel jacketed bullet ushered the SR into a new era. Maxim received a patent in 1891 for a short-stroke gas piston, where the gas is taken off through a barrel port close to the chamber, which drives a short piston that operates the action. John Browning, in 1889, entered the SR field, producing a lever rifle that featured a concave muzzle cap that was hook up below the barrel, connecting with the triggerguard rifle lever. Griffiths and Woodgate were two Englishmen who introduced a SR that had simplicity as its value. In 1898, Mauser introduced a SR that incorporate a locking principle which was modified to form the Deglyarev LMG lock principle and the lock of the gas operated rifles with which Germany ended the war. Major Amerigo Cei-Rigotti introduced a gas system in 1900, which was a modification of the Italian 1891 rifle design, but had the action further forward to protect the shooter. The Cei-Rigotti, in firing tests in 1900, delivered 300 rounds in a minute of full automatic fire, after which the barrel was too hot to use. This was a mechanism that was used by the Russians in 1936 and 1940 and by Germany in 1943, with their mechanism being mounted on to of barrels, instead of below. The main person who was driving the development of the SR was Mannlicher. In 1891, Mannlicher developed two SRs, which operated on the short recoil principle. His second experimentation was a rifle that featured a small hook bored in the barrels bottom and a gas-operated arm. Mannlicher came back in 1893 with two SRs with a revolving bolt locked rifle. The first was a modification of his standard turning bolt magazine rifle; the second was the Mannlicher Model 90 straight-pull design. In 1894, Mannlicher introduced two â€Å"blow forward† designs with hesitation locking cams. The first required cocking after every shot. The second featured a standing

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Violent Video Games Essay Example for Free

Violent Video Games Essay Video games are becoming one of the favorite’s children all over the world. Every child could like to behave or act like an artist or actor whose acts are violent. The behavioral patterns of children have changed to violence and wherever they do something or any activity, they do it with a lot of violence, imitating what they saw on the video games. The world is breeding a generation of children who are violent which therefore means that the world in a few tears will be full of a generation of violent people. The minds of these children have also been changed and affected as the continued feeding into their minds with violent video games has made them to be different human beings all together. The sales of video games have grown drastically to a level which is alarming. The impact of excessive watching of the video games is clearly seen as to the way children are behaving and how they have been addicted to watching them. The hypothesis for this discussion could be â€Å"that the continued watching of violent games by the children has caused psychological problems in children and this has resulted to changes in their behavioral patterns. † Allowing the children the watch violent video games is infact doing injustice to them because it is one way of destroying them morally, socially and psychologically. An immediate action has to be taken and that a remedy must be found to protect these children from getting too much exposed to watching violent video games. For the children to grow up and develop into responsible adults in future, parents have the responsibility to find out and know what their children are watching and then take the necessary action. No parent could wish his/her child to be become violent or in any way that is against the good morals. The thesis should be supported because it is meant to protect the children from engaging themselves in watching violent video games that ultimately will influence them to change their morals and imitate bad ones. A research conducted by Anderson, C. A. , Bushman, B. J. (2001) on the Effects of Violent Games on Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior concluded that the more children ere exposed to watching violent video games, the more there are likely to be affected psychologically . This thesis will help the parents and the guardians to be alert to check on what their children are watching and if they notice a strange behavior by their children, then they should be in a position to find out why and take the necessary action. In their book Dill, K. E. , Dill, J. C. (1998). Video Game Violence: A Review of the Empirical Literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior, they argue that parents have a major responsibility of knowing what their children are doing and watching. Failure to do so will be followed by worst consequences that will be their own making. The hypothesis will also give a background for further research on violent video games and their impact on the psychological development of the children. According to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology on Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior in the Laboratory and Life by Anderson, C. A. , Dill, K. E. (2000) they argue and urge that more research should be conducted in future to find out the psychological impacts on the children and more related issues should be brought in as the parents are the contributing factors to this issue because they also watch the violent video games with their children. There are those whom may not agree with the hypothesis may be because they have not been able to gather enough evidence or may be they feel and think that children are too young to be psychologically affected by watching violent video games. Children mostly like watching violent videos which shows acts of violence that they later practice. Parents have not been keen to check on what content their children are watching, but they are the first ones to complain about the behavioral changes of their children which are deviant, rude and violent. Over the past few years, several studies (Creasey, G. L. , Myers, B. J. 1986) have been carried on the psychological effects of violent video games on children. The majority of this research looked at the associations between video game use and the aggressive behavior and also on the effects of video games on school performance. Even though the video games are designed for entertaining, challenging and educational, most of them include the violent content. Recent research on video games indicates that as many as 89% of the games contain violent content and therefore, among the games that are purchased and played by the children contains violence. Playing violent video games increases the aggressive behaviors of children, increases their aggressive cognitions, their aggressive emotions, their physiological arousal and decreases their prosocial behaviors. These effects have psychologically affected the children and completely changed their behavioral patterns. Parents do not often put limits on how much time the children are allowed to play video games and how often the same parents checked on the contents of the video games. Even a few of them check the video content and found it to be violent, on a few occasions could deny their children from watching them. (American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychological Association, 2000) Children have perfected the best ways to convince their parents to buy for them the video games they could like to watch. They even convince their parents that the video games they are about to watch are not violent, to which their parents just accepts without any further investigation. The parents have been victims of violence meted against them by their own children who have become violent through watching violent video games. Children spend most of their time, especially during holidays to watch video games at the expense of their educational studies. The contents of the video games being played could certainly affect the relationship between the amount of their play time and their school performance. Children who use computers to play violent or non-violent video games perform more poorly in school, whereas those who use computers in performing school work performed better. This is clear indicator that excessive or continued watching of violent video games intoxicates the mind and changes the reasoning and concentration of children on educational maters (Dill, K. E. , Dill, J. C. 1998). Teachers in various schools are raising concern on the changed behavior patterns of the children. They are saying that the children have become rude, brutal and bullies amongst the other children and to the teachers. The children feel superior and muscular enough to respond to any fights. The boys are the majority victims than the girls, though girls are also interested in watching violent video games but not as boys. Boys quite often harass girls using the techniques they have watched, liked and imitated. They feel that they are mature enough and can behave exactly like what they watched on the video games. This makes them to forget that they are still young children whose minds have been tainted with violent materials (Van Schie, E. G. M. , Wiegman, O. 1997). Conclusion Children should not be allowed to watch violent video games when they are still young. This greatly affects their psychological development, changing their behavioral patterns. It is painful for parents and guardians when the children they are supposed to take care of become rude, violent, deviant and act as if they are criminals by dressing, way of speaking. It is their responsibility to make sure that whatever material their children watch has the right material content and teaches good morals. If the children will experience psychological problems through watching violent video games, even their academic performance will go down. The acts of violence copied by the children will be of negative impact to them, hence we will in future have a society which will be violent. Something must be done through concerted efforts to rectify the situation before it is too late. As children begin to see the world in aggressive terms and therefore begin to act aggressively, their personality changes to become more aggressive and hostile. These changes will result in increased opportunities for aggressive behavior, because of both changes in the individual’s personality and the changes in the situations the individual (child) is likely to get involved in as others react to the individual. This is all brought about by watching violent video games. Recommendations Several recommendations can be of great help and these include; the parents should play the video games with the children. From this they will be able to know what their children are exposed to watch and how they will react to different features in the game, parents should know their children, in that if a child becomes aggressive after watching violent video games, they should stop buying such games regardless the child’s age, parents should talk with the children if they sense that their children are disturbed after watching a violent video game. This could be an opportunity for the parent and the children to discuss more deeply on the video games, the parents should set limits for watching the video games. Infact they should censor the video games before the children watch them and the video game makers should be informed that the games they are making and selling for children to watch are more violent and bringing more harm to the children and so should make games that are children friendly. The teachers at school should also assist the parents in counseling the children who they discover that they have been victims of watching violent video games. If this has affected their class work, they should inform their parents so that they can look for a way forward together to help these children to return to normality. References American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychological Association, American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, American Medical Association (2000). Joint Statement on the Impact of Entertainment Violence on Children Anderson, C. A. , Dill, K. E. (2000). Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior in the Laboratory and Life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Anderson, C. A. , Bushman, B. J. (2001). Effects of Violent Games on Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A meta-analytic Review of the Scientific Literature. Psychological Science. Creasey, G. L. , Myers, B. J. (1986). Video Games and Children: Effects on Leisure Activities, Schoolwork, and Peer Involvement. Merrill–Palmer Quarterly, 32 Dill, K. E. , Dill, J. C. (1998). Video Game Violence: A Review of the Empirical Literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior Lynch, P. J. (1999). Hostility, Type A Behavior, and Stress Hormones at Rest and After Playing Violent Video Games in Teenagers. Psychosomatic Medicine Van Schie, E. G. M. , Wiegman, O. (1997). Children and VideoGames: Leisure Activities, Aggression, Social Integration, and School Performance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Useful strategy for a college Essay Example for Free

Useful strategy for a college Essay The Summary/Response essay is a useful strategy for a college essay. Keep the following points in mind as you compose: $ The introduction will be a brief summary of one of the assigned essays or a chapter of the video and its main points. $ The introduction should end with your thesis statement indicating your reaction to the selection (agree/disagree) and the main point you will attempt to prove in your essay regarding this topic. $ Each body paragraph will present one aspect of your argument, and the topic sentence of each paragraph will inform the reader what that specific paragraph will discuss. $ Each body paragraph will include supporting details in the form of explanations, facts, examples (both personal and observed), and/or statistics. If you obtained any information from another source, be sure to state the source of the information and if needed, use quotation marks. $ Each paragraph should stick to its topic and not break unity or coherence by discussing ideas that belong in other paragraphs. All paragraphs will serve to prove your thesis. $ Add needed transition words such as those found on page 9 on your text. A few terms that signal you are adding more examples for explanation purposes are for instance, in addition, and furthermore. Some terms that prepare the reader for a contrast or change in viewpoints are however, although, and but. Some terms that show a result of idea and lead to a summary are therefore, consequently, a a result, and in conclusion.

History and development of child adoption

History and development of child adoption Introduction From the world â€Å"child adoption†, child means a young person of either sex, whether by birth or by adoption. While â€Å"adoption† mean the act or process of adopting a person â€Å"child adoption† means the legally act or process of making another person’s child part of your family so that he or she becomes one of your own children. Most of the adoption cases involved potential pool of adoptive parents who women are infertile. While others involve family planning where they decide not to be pregnant. Nevertheless, public will commonly ask is it necessary for the adoption to take place? Is child adoption an alternative to abortion and single parenting? Does adoption heal the child from severe abuse and neglect he/she faced in the biological family? Should child adoption be encouraged? Therefore, this research paper will be giving a view of the history of child adoption, types of child adoption, conditions that should fulfilled for child adoption, facto rs lead to the increase in child adoption, advantages and finally conclude on the disadvantages of child adoption. History of child adoption The kind of adoption as we know nowadays did not exist a hundred and fifty years ago. The kind of adoption in those days usually means a child moved in with relatives, or a child lived with an unrelated family in exchange as a labour. In these two situation, the adults who â€Å"adopt† the children did not legally become the children’s parents. Such kinds of adoption were often not long lasting, the â€Å"adopted† children were not expected to be threaten as biological children by the adoptive parents. However, after centuries of evolution, adoption had became a more and more formal arrangement, well-planned and have to go through legal process. By the end of the nineteenth century, most country had required that various legal steps to be taken before the adoption cases can be proceed. Examples of action included going in and out of the adoption agencies, an official surrender by the birth parents, issuance of an adoption decree by a judge, even consultation to b oth adoptive parents and birth parents if needed. (Currie.S, 1997) Now, child adoption have become a trend which was encouraged by many country as there are lots of advantages gain by the children and adoptive parents even the birth parents, though there are still disadvantages being sound by some parties. Types of child adoption Transracial adoption Transracial or transcultural adoption is a type of adoption where the adoptive parents adopt a child who come from a different races or ethic group. LGBT adoption LGBT adoption refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual adoption. These is a special type of adoption where many country still arguing on its legalization. As LGBT are against the nature law. But currently, nine European countries allow LGBT adoption, these country are Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Iceland, Norway, the Netherlands, the U.K., and Sweden. (Crumley. B 2008) Single parent adoption A single parent adoption occurs when single men and women who have decided to become parents without marry with another person. They want to have the opportunity to provide a loving permanent home for a child. A reason why single parent adoption occurs is a successful, independent single man or woman does not want to give up his or her freedom and assume the responsibilities of raising up a child. International adoption A international adoption occurs when single parent or couple from a particular country planning to adopt a child from another country. This type of adoption usually gone through an adoption agency. Sometimes, the adoptive parents do not even meet with the adopted child until the adoption processes were done. Eligibility criteria that should fulfilled for child adoption In Australia, adoption is bind by the Adoption Act 2000. According to the act, a person or couple who interested in adoption a child must fulfilled the following eligibility criteria: Parenting A person who wish to become an adoptive parents, should ensure that himself/herself can raise up a child who does not share the same biological and perhaps cultural heritage as himself/ herself. They also have to ensure that the adopted child is fully aware of their life story including information about birth family and culture of their own origin. Besides that, they also have to accept and try to understand the situation where adopted child may seek to clarify their identity when reach adolescence stage. According to Eleanor,H,A (1997), adoptive parents should treat the child as a real member of the house hold, never treat them as a outsider. Personal Characteristics Adoptive parents are expected to retain health and vigour to raise a child until adulthood. This is very important as when the child reach adolescence stage, where this stage is very particular, the adoptive parents should have enough energy to take care of them. Their physical and psychological health should not interfere with their ability to take care their adopted child until a particular stage where they can take care of themselves. Reputation A person or couple have to be of good repute. According to the law, whoever has a record of violence, sexual assault, emotional abuse or a crime against a child will disqualify them from adopting a child. Current statistical information on child adoption According to AIHW (2007), in year 2005 till 2006, there were 576 adoption cases occurred in Australia, a 2% decrease if compared to the statistic made in a year before. Referring to figure 5.1 below, clearly shows that almost three-quarters of the adoption cases were intercountry or known as international adoption, 16% were â€Å"known† adoptions and 10% were local adoptions. While refers to figure 5.2 below, it shows that the majority of adopted children were aged younger than 5 years(76%), with more than half of these aged less than 1 year. Females are generally more than males adoptee with 55% compared to 45%. According to the statistic report, the number of adoptions is different in all the states and territories. States with larger populations for example New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland has the highest number of adoptions, but lowest rate of adoptions per 100,000 population. Rates of adoptions were highest in Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Tasmania. Factors leading to child adoption To overcome infertility. Infertility is the state of being unable to produce offspring. For a woman it is an inability to conceive; while for a man it is an inability to impregnate. For this cases, couples usually choose to adopt a child though there are plenty of other treatment such as drug therapies hormone therapy, surgical intervention, intra-uterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT) and others as the cost for these treatments are not low. For the less capable family, they will choose to adopt. Thought adoption cannot solve the problems associated with infertility, it will provide the infertile couple with the challenges and rewards of loving and being loved by a child. (Fertility Today, 2008) 6.2 Poverty Poverty is defined as the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions. In some cases, parents succumb to sickness, and they are unable to work, thus providing no financially support to their children. If there are some savings, they have no choice but goes towards health care costs. As a results, they have ignored their children’s needs, such as school fees and clothing. (Global Action For Children Organization, 2008) According to Currie,S. (1997), report shows that there were five million homeless and abandoned children living in India alone just because of poverty. Though the report was made in 1987, but the number of homeless children at that particular time had already reached a serious stage. India as the second populous country in the world, for sure, the number of homeless children is even more now. 6.3 Orphans and Vulnerable Children ( OVC) According to the statistical number made by the Global Action For Children Organization (2008), there are 143 million children in the developing world have lost one or both parents. 20million children will be orphaned by HIV/AIDS alone by the year 2010. Children who faced this kind of situation must often leave their family and may not accepted by extended family members. Besides that, children may be orphaned by some other reasons such as natural disaster. In the article written by Unmesh. K (2008), posted in Time Magazine, tens of thousands of children have been either separated from their parents or orphaned, caused by the killing tsunami on 2005. The most update one is the earthquake disaster happened in china on 12th of May 2008, had caused an estimated of 4,000 children became orphans. According to Wendy.K(2008), adoption agencies are receiving a surge in phone calls from people who want to adopt Chinese children who were orphaned by the deadly earthquake happened in SiChuan, C hina. Thus, for the above cases, the most suitable â€Å"treatment† for this kind of children is to put them under adoption. There is always someone who care about them and adopt them as one of their family members. Advantages of child adoption Adoption benefits everyone in the adoption triad. Many of these benefits are helpful to the birthmother and birthfather. Other benefits are directed at the child who is being placed for adoption and/or the adoptive parents Adoption brings a positive ending to a challenging situation and benefits everyone involved. I will discuss about the advantages of adoption for the birthparents, the adoptive parents and the child.parents and the child. Giving the child a better life According to Currie,S. (1997), child adoption can save a child from a bleak future. This is clearly means that adoption can give a neglected or orphaned child a better life. As some parent cannot afford to give child a good life due to many reasons such as poverty, or some disease such as AIDS/HIV(Global Action For Children Organization, 2008). The cannot afford to give their child education, good staying environmental or even have no ability to feed their children. Thus, putting their child for adoption is the best way to save their child as adoption provides the love and support of adoptive parents who are emotionally and financially ready to the child. Adoptive parent can also give the child a warm home and greater probability of good educational resources that they may not receive from the biological parents. Orphaned child such as in the case of China earthquake can get an opportunity to live normally. (Wendy, K 2008) Fulfilling birthparents and adopting parent’s dreams Through child adoption, couple who faced infertility problems can fulfill their dream of having a child. (American Pregnancy Association 2000). In the case of China family, who are bind to the one child policy, family can fulfilled their dreams of having a male child through adoption too. Reducing world population Adoption can also reduces the world population. Through adoption, couples who does not want to contribute to the increasing in world population can choose to adopt a child. There is always the adoption agency around the world which can help in the adoption cases. 7.4 Financial assistance offered to adoptive parents According to Cullen, L.K. (2007), some companies in U.S adoption assistant, it found that $4700 is offered on average per adoption and about double that if a child has special needs. Companies also giving worker an average of five weeks of paid parental leave. Disadvantages of child adoption If there are advantages, for sure there are also disadvantages. Child adoption may brings some negative impact for all parties. Pressure and mental stress In the process of adoption, children may feel stress. According to Unmesh.K (2008), orphaned children in the tsunami disaster who are placed for adoption may suffering from both physical and psychological trauma after seeing their family member drown in the terrible disaster. They cannot keep themselves out from the nightmare, thus usually being diagnosed with a behavior or emotional problem after the adoptions. For older children in the case of international adoption and transracial adoption, will be harmed by being separated from their original culture. According to Currie, S (1997), children are â€Å"whisked away in cars to arrive at strange houses full of objects they’ve never even imagined†. They have to learn the ways of a new culture, meet people of different races, learned new language, which can be extremely difficult. According to Levy-Shiff, R.(2001), adopt a child at a older age will increase the risk for maladjustment, as the child having difficulties in adapting to the adoptive family. While for the adoptive parents, according to Palacios, J. (2006), adoptive parent who adopted a special needs children, children who have undergone difficult institutional experiences, will exhibit a higher stress. Besides that, adopt more than one child is also said to be correlated with stress. 8.2 Stress faced by grown up children According to Fertility Today Organization (2008), when reached a particular stage such as adolescence, children often feel curious about those who play important roles in their lives. Usually, adoptive children will want to know about their biological roots. When a adopted child â€Å"accidentally† found out that he/she is adopted, meanwhile his/her adoptive parents have been dishonest to him/her, he/she may might feel upset or abandoned. Thus, its very important to let adoptive child has a clear picture about his/her personal birth origins hence a better self-esteem can be build. Yet researches at the University of Minnesota have found that a small minority of adoption children, about 14% are diagnosed with a behavioral disorder or have contact with a mental health professional as adolescents. (Kingsbury, K. 2008) Conclusion We know that children require nurturing environments to thrive today and to have promising prospects for tomorrow. Common sense, confirmed by my research, tells that children who are neglected or orphaned by certain reason will do best if removed from the bleak and placed permanently with families where they will receive the kind of nurturing likely to help them removed from their situation. Thus, it is clearly stated that child adoption has more advantages than disadvantages, and child adoption should be strongly encouraged ignoring the little disadvantages.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pay and Job Performance Essay -- Business Management Studies:

Critically evaluate this statement: Managers who rely only on pay to motivate their employees to higher levels of job performance will always be disappointed n the results. Pay is one thing that causes many discrepancies within the work environment. Most employees continue to try and further themselves in work usually with the hope of better pay; fringe benefits i.e. company cars, pensions and so on. There are however, those who show â€Å"highly motivated behaviour where economic rewards are low.†[1] This citation agrees with the above statement, however, throughout this essay I will sum up where pay can be seen as a good motivator and where extrinsic benefits fail. Content theorists such as Maslow and Herzberg look at needs and what gives people the drive to work. A similar theme arises in the different theories which on face value seem opposing they all look at ones desire to work in order to satisfy their needs. To start, Maslow believed there is a hierarchy as to what makes people work. The first being for survival. People need basic requirements such as food, water and shelter. Those in this group are not necessarily poorly motivated but are purely working to satisfy needs. The second level of five is for safety reasons i.e. a safe work environment – job security. Thirdly Maslow believed some are motivated by the need for social interaction, friendship with fellow colleagues. This is inclusive of a sense of belonging. Further up the hierarchy is the need for status. When an employee is made to feel important and needed in a job this will motivate them to do well. Lastly is personal ambition called self-actualisation. This is a level of complete satisfaction. For Maslow, pay is the lowest in all of the motivators. He believes you move up the scale towards self-motivation. However, his theory has been met by much criticism. It can be seen as â€Å"patronising and elitist in terms of the values it expresses.†[2] People can achieve complete self-motivation from activities they do outside of work i.e. childcare, for these employees they can have reached a higher order before satisfying the lower ones. It is also practically impossible to generalise everyone’s strengths and weaknesses as each person is an individual. The theory is also often contradicted by research such as the study by Hall and Nougain. (1968)[3] In reality... ...r hard work showed in their performance. In conclusion, the essay has shown circumstances where pay works as a motivator and where it fails. The overwhelming feeling is that pay is fine as a short term motivator but when it is used continually workers can become reliant and it can put pressure on employee relations as well as encouraging them to work purely for economic reward. Managers will not always be disappointed with results as explained but there are other ways to motivate which have shown to produce continually good results such as job enrichment and making employees feel as though they genuinely matter. In my opinion, managers who use pay incentives can achieve good results but from reading the articles as evidence my advice would be to use them sparingly. [1] Organisational Behaviour – compiled by A. Beauregard page 201 [2] Organisational Behaviour – compiled by A. Beauregard page 204 [3] This study â€Å"examined the changes in needs of a group of people.† OB – A. Beauregard page 205 [4] Organisational Behaviour – compiled by A. Beauregard page 205 [5] Organisational Behaviour – compiled by A. Beauregard page 206 [6] Harvard Business Review

Monday, August 19, 2019

Lee Silverman Voice Treatment :: Health, Parkinson’s Disease

Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) is primary utilized as a voice treatment for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and attempts to increase vocal loudness and improve vocal function (Ramig L, Sapir S, Fox C, and Countryman S, 2001) (Countryman S, Hoehn M, O’Brien C, Pawlas A, Ramig L, and Sapir S, 2001). There has also been success in utilizing this treatment protocol for patients with dysarthria associated with stroke, and traumatic brain injury as well as children who have cerebral palsy and Down syndrome (Spielman, J Ramig L Mahler L Halpern A Gavin W 2007, )R., Theodoros, D., & Cornwell, P. (January 01, 2008), Marchant, J., McAuliffe, M., & Huckabee, M.-L. (January 01, 2008. LSVT was conceived in 1987 and has been extensively studied around the world since then (Countryman et. Al). LSVT is a very unique form of voice therapy in that it focuses on several very simple tasks that are designed to maximize the client’s phonation and respiratory functions. (Countrymen et al.) Spielman et all2007 indicated that the standard course of treatment was an extensive treatment schedule of one hour a day, four days a week, for four consecutive weeks. The basis of the treatment regime boils down to overcoming the perception among clients with PD that there is nothing wrong with their speech, and than utilizing intensive sensorimotor training to help them to recognize and use increased effort and louder speech in their day-to-day communication. (Ramig, L. O., Fox, C., & Sapir, S. (January 01, 2004)) Most research studies to test the application and success of LSVT seem to follow the same basic research methodology. Clients with PD are recruited from local support groups, through newspaper advertisements or contact with specialists in other related medical fields. (Countryman et al 2001) (Ramig et al 2001). The normal testing method appears to be randomized control group studies with clients being separated into groups that either receive LSVT or do not receive any voice related therapy, or groups that receive more traditional and less intense forms of vocal or respiration therapy (Ramig et al 2004)(Ramig et al 2001) (Countrymen S. 2001) (Constantinescu, G., Theodoros, D., Russell, T., Ward, E., Wilson, S., & Wootton, R. (January 01, 2011). Control groups can further be broken down into age and gender categories. Initially the clients all have their sound pressure levels are measured to establish a baseline reference point.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Native Son Essay: Analysis of Setting, Major, and Minor Themes

Analysis of Setting, Major, and Minor Themes  of Native Son  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚           The major themes of Native Son are environment, racism,   black rage, religion, Communism, determinism and freedom.   A minor theme is the relationship between men and women.   Ã‚     One of the major themes of Native Son is the effect of environment on behavior and personality. Thus, setting is  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   especially important in the novel. The story takes place in Chicago in  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the late 1930s, when the United States had still not recovered from  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the Great Depression. Jobs are scarce, and Bigger and his pool-hall  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   friends are among the many unemployed. Richard Wright was influenced  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   by the literary school of naturalism, whose adherents tried to observe  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   and record their world, and especially its more unpleasant parts, with  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   scientific accuracy. Wright knew Depression-era Chicago well and  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   drew heavily on his first-hand knowledge. In many respects, the  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chicago of Native Son is an accurate representation even in its  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   details. For example, Ernie's Kitchen Shack at Forty-seventh Street  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   and Indiana Avenue was modeled on a real restaurant called The Chicken  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shack, located at 4647 Indiana Avenue and owned by a man named Ernie.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Two aspects of Bigger's environment influence him especially  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   strongly- his confinement to Chicago's black South Side ghetto and his  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   glimpses of the dazzling white world, of which he feels he can never  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   be part. Bigger's family shares a rat-infested room, but, when he sees  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   an airplane flying overhead or views the glamorous life portrayed in a... ...eds. Conversations with Richard Wright. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1993. Kinnamon, Keneth. The Emergence of Richard Wright: A Study Literature and Society. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1973. Kinnamon, Keneth, ed. New Essays on Native Son. New York: Cambridge UP, 1990. Macksey, Richard and Frank E. Moorer, eds. Richard Wright: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984. Margolies, Edward. The Art of Richard Wright. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1969. Miller, Eugene E. Voice of a Native Son: The Poetics of Richard Wright. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1990. Rampersad, Arnold, ed. Richard Wright: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Explore the significance of the character Mercutio in the play Romeo and Juliet

Although Shakespeare's play ‘Romeo and Juliet' does not focus on Mercutio, he is one of the most unique characters of the play. He manages to manipulate other characters of the play through his imaginative and powerful language. He usually takes the lead in conversations and his friends generally go by what he says. Mercutio is neither Capulet nor Montague but his strong bond with Romeo associates him with the Montagues. In the play, Mercutio tends to stand out compared to the other characters; this is mainly because of his energetic and outrageous personality. His comical character lightens the mood of the tragic love story and helps to increase the sympathy of the audience when he later dies. Mercutio is a catalyst, meaning that he has the ability to change what people think or do. An example of this is in Act 1 Scene 4, where Romeo is sad and doesn't want to go to the Capulet's ball but Mercutio lightens the mood with puns and word play; â€Å"You are a lover; borrow Cupid's wings† An Elizabethan audience would have found this funny because cupid was and still is very well known as being the god of love. Mercutio is comedian, always making jokes at every chance he gets. He lives life on the edge and is always looking for something new and exiting to do. This could also make him an antagonist and troublemaker, especially when the Capulet's are involved. His inevitable death and the death of several others are caused by Mercutio living life on the edge. Read this – Puns in the Importance Mercutio puts on a front which tells the audience that he does not respect women, such as the way he often uses animal features to describe women, â€Å"spiders†¦gallops†¦pig's tail† perhaps suggesting that women are less superior to men. However, when you look closer into his language you can see that his feelings go deeper, for example, in Act 1 Scene 4, Mercutio speaks about women being like Queen Mab; â€Å"Her wagon-spokes made of long spiders' legs, The cover of the wings of grasshoppers† During the queen Mab speech in particular, he uses sibilance, sibilance it the repetition of the ‘S' sound which makes this speech sound soft and I think that it shows his true passion for women. In contrast, when he is talking to Romeo and giving him advice, he says to Romeo; â€Å"Be rough with love; Prick love for pricking, And you beat love down.† This could show that he may have had a past relationship that may not have turned out so well. He may also be telling this to Romeo because he doesn't want the same thing to happen to him. In Act 1 Scene 4, Mercutio's imagination runs wild as he is describing women as Queen Mab. This will begin to show the audience Mercutio's true feelings for women. He uses passionate language such as; â€Å"Tickling a parson's nose as a' lies asleep, Then dreams, he of another benefice† On the other hand, Romeo has a different view to that of Mercutio's towards women. Romeo, who is quite naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve towards love, shows the audience how much he loves everyone and everything. He is always talking about how fabulous love is and that it is the only thing that matters in the world. â€Å"O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art As glorious to this night, being o'er my head† This can show that Romeo may not have been in a real relationship, but only fantasising about it. Mercutio and Romeo have a strong friendship; they are both extremely loyal to each other and tend to help each other out; â€Å"Nay, gentle Romeo, we must have you dance.† They both have a strong influence on each other, which from Mercutio's side tends to be positive but can sometimes turn out negative but this does not happen all the time. In the death scene of Mercutio he blames Romeo for his death even though Romeo was only tried to stop it. In Act 2, Scene 1, after the ball Mercutio and Benvolio are looking for Romeo; they still believe that he is in love with Rosaline. Mercutio then begins to shout out for Romeo, by way of chanting a spell; â€Å"Nay, I'll conjure too. Romeo! Humours! Madman! Passion! Lover! Appear thou in the likeness of a sigh† The shortness of his sentences and the use of exclamation marks emphasises his humour in his speech, suggesting a light hearted tone, this would have created a more amusing scene for an Elizabethan audience. During this scene the actor playing Mercutio would probably be dancing around with imaginary props, pretending to brew up a potion. He then continues to talk about Rosaline; he speaks about her in a manor that is rude and obnoxious, he mocks Romeo as he believes he is superficial and that he is only in love with Rosaline's beauty; â€Å"By her high forehead and her scarlet lip, By her fine foot, straight leg and quivering thigh† Here Mercutio is saying that Rosaline is a prostitute and Benvolio believes that this would anger Romeo. Mercutio replies; â€Å"This cannot anger him ‘twould anger him To raise a spirit in his mistress' circle† In this sentence Mercutio begins to use sexual references; he says it would only anger Romeo if someone else was to sleep with Rosaline. During this scene Mercutio is loud and energetic. A modern audience would think this funny and witty but an Elizabethan audience may have been more shocked at what he was saying. During Act 2 Scene 4, Mercutio and the Nurse meet. In much the same way as with Rosaline, Mercutio is again vulgar about the nurse; â€Å"Good Peter, to hide her face; for her fan's the fairer face.† The repetition of the letter ‘F' emphasizes a harsh tone and suggests to the audience a feeling of disgust towards the nurse. Mercutio is saying that the nurse is unattractive, but she does not let this pass as she is aggressive and says; â€Å"Out upon you! What a man are you!† This shows the Nurses mutual disliking for Mercutio as well. In Act 2, Scene 4, Mercutio compliments Tybalt's skills as a fighter; he calls him â€Å"Prince of Cats†. This is because Mercutio thinks that Tybalt is quick on his feet and a fast swordsman, Tybalt wins all of his duels, Mercutio says that he has â€Å"nine lives† for this reason. â€Å"Don't think he's just the Prince of Cats! Oh no – he's way more than that.† Although Mercutio is saying how much of a good swordsman Tybalt is, he still ends up fighting him and ironically Mercutio loses, he does this because he is a show off and he thinks he is best. When Mercutio challenges Tybalt to a duel, Tybalt asks â€Å"What wouldst thou have with me?† Mercutio replies; â€Å"Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives† This shows that Mercutio is still using references to Tybalt being â€Å"the Prince of Cats†. Also even when he has been stabbed by Tybalt, Mercutio says that the wound is only; â€Å"A scratch, a scratch† In Act 3, Scene 1, where Mercutio is nearing his death, he suddenly becomes a lot more serious, but because of his ego he still manages to make witty remarks and keeping the comedy going; â€Å"Ask for me to-morrow, and you shall find me a grave man.† I believe that because of Mercutio's personality, and always making things worse, he brought upon his own death even though in his mind he would have thought it was a good thing to do. Shakespeare probably killed Mercutio off here because it builds up a climax and creates a dramatic effect. In my opinion Mercutio has brought his death on himself by his antagonistic personality, and always provoking others. He finally meets his match, Tybalt. Although, I don't think the play would be what it is without Mercutio, as a comic character is needed, for example; to help lighten moods of scenes when needed. Without Mercutio in the play, Romeo and other characters would have died a lot sooner, suggesting to the audience that Mercutio is a hero in some way. On the other hand, everyone may have survived as it was generally Mercutio that pushed things on, often making things worse.

Friday, August 16, 2019

6 Feet of Country Essay

Question: Analyse how the growth or breakdown of a character relationship or individual in a text (or texts) you have studied? Analyse the deterioting relationship between the narrator and his wife Lerice. â€Å"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.† Within the text â€Å"Six Feet of the Country† by Nadine Gordimer, we are given insight into a deterioting relationship. The negative narrator and his wife’s relationship is slowly crumbling due his lack of interest with her. The tension and flaws of their relationship become apparent during the climatic event of the illegal immigrants death. This moment is a defining point of their relationship, and displays how the manifestation of their small arguments has pulled them apart. The narrator of â€Å"Six Feet of Country† is an introverted, self-fish and pessimistic man. He is unhappy and disappointed with his marriage, and he cannot come to terms with it.  "You seem to rattle about so much within a marriage like ours,† suggesting that him and his wife encounter many problems, due to opposing views. Throughout the first few lines we become well aware that the narrator extremely dislikes his wife. He continually makes degrading remarks and this displays his utter disrespect that he has for her. Majority of his cruel taunts are about her physical appearance and how she has failed in life as an actress. He describes her hands as â€Å"hard as dog’s pads.† Implying that she could never be an actress because she wasn’t glamorous enough and was never going to be the kind of lady who wore â€Å"red paint and diamond rings.† It would be fair to say that he finds the physical appearance of his wife disappointing. This idea is reinforced when he negatively comments about her â€Å"uncombed hair†. This remark about her appearance displays his misogynistic behaviour. His cynical and negative remarks reveal the narrators inner thoughts, that his wife is the problem. She has let herself go and is therefore no longer pretty. His pessimistic attitude towards immediately objectifies her, as if she was a toy he no longer wanted. My assumption would be that th is man was having a midlife crisis and wanted a younger, pretty and glamorous woman. His jealousy and his repulsion towards his wife is shown through the quote, â€Å"some pretty girl and her young husband.† He is in denial about his age, but also the overall appearance of his wife. His behaviour towards his wife reflects our current society and the societal pressure on females to look good. His expectation of how his wife should look and behave draws a  parallel to the expectation of how the media portrays the perfect women. This pressure and false sense of perfection, allows males to have a deluded expectation of how women should look. A â€Å"Lucerne field brilliant as window dresser’s grass,† seems like the perfect location for rekindling a dying romance. The farm was brought as escape from the busy bustling city life Johannesburg. The narrator and his wife were both convinced that the farms would â€Å"change something† within themselves. They collectively viewed the farm as fresh start. The narrator was praying to hear a â€Å"deep satisfying silence†, hoping that the arguing would stop. The farm started out as a symbol or peace and serenity; however it didn’t manage to help the bickering couple’s problems. The narrator doesn’t enjoy the farm, and spends â€Å"only evening and weekends† at the farm. He †Å"avoids† parts of the farm because it â€Å"sickens† him. He likes the calm life of living in the country and being away from the tension within the city, yet he views the farm as a financial burden. The narrator begins to describe a bull, â€Å"little, stocky mean-eyed bull, lustful but bored.† This description of the bull draws a parallel to the narrator, how he is lustful for something pretty which is wife can never omit to and he’s bored with what he has. He expected his wife to settle down into Chekhovian sadness than pursue her dream of being an actress. However she became encapsulated with the farm and the narrator finds her â€Å"earthy enthusiasms† irritating. He wants her to be a lady whom he can show off, eye candy. Yet she continues to disappoint him, and the farm becomes a symbol or regret to the narrator. Their view of buying something in order to solve their problems and then not being satisfied links us back to our consumerism society. How we are constantly seeking instant gratification, as a constellation prize for our problems. However we forget the common phrase, â€Å"Money can’t buy you happiness.† Unexpected circumstances c an define a relationship, either bringing people closer or destroying any remnants of a relationship. The narrator employs servants from Rhodesia in order to look after his farm; however he does not accept them as his workers and calls them â€Å"Lerice’s farm boys.† We learn throughout this short story that the narrator is an extremely racist man. This is shown through his condescending attitude towards his workers â€Å"poor devils have nothing much to fear.† He finds his wife and the farm boys equally irritating. A defining factor within their marriage is when one of the farm boys illegal immigrant  brother, dies of phenomena. This event displays the contrast in personalities and moral code of the narrator and his wife. The narrator disregards the boy’s death, shows his lack of ethics and morals. In contrast to his dehumanized ways, his wife on the other hand is extremely compassionate towards the ‘poor’ boy and his family. The narrator immediately calls the authority and this begins a series of small arguments between him and his wife. First off he sleeps in another room, and â€Å"she is hurt and humiliated at† him for â€Å"not wanting her†. However she begins to whine and whinge, when he doesn’t tell Petrus that he cannot have his brother’s body back to bury. Then she gives him the silent treatment, and he makes a very snide remark about how â€Å"she is the kind of woman who doesn’t mind if she looks plain, or odd.† The narr ator feels pressured, because he has to deal with all the â€Å"dirty business† despite it not being his fault. He consistently reminds his wife that it’s not his problem to get the body back, and he does not owe his workers anything. His wife continues to pursue him, and eventually he agrees to get the body back. His lack of compassion is expressed when he doesn’t offer to pay a measly 20 pounds, which he could easily cover. He instead criticizes the farm boys and servants for wasting their lives savings on a dead body. At this point the wife has given up arguing with her husband, and begins to slowly fade out of his life. This moment of tension, displays the dynamics of their deterioting relationship, and how certain events can either bring people closer or cause further tension. The narrator defines himself as being superior to his wife and the farm boys. This concept relates back to Nadine Gordimer’s theme of racism and sex prejudice within South Africa. The narrator is disconnected from his emotions and morals, especially when one of the Servants brothers dies. In this moment we see the contrast in characters between the wife and the husband and how neither appreciate nor like each other. Both of them are trapped in a monotonous relationship and both of them regret marrying each other. It would appear that their relationship and foundation for their marriage was not built off respect for one another, and that is why everything that was running smooth didn’t last very long.a

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Main Habitats Of The New Forest Environmental Sciences Essay

IntroductionThe New Forest is a palimpseste slate land which has been rewritten clip and clip once more it has therefore created a mosaic like construction of different home grounds. It was constituted as a royal runing land in Hampshire by William the Conqueror in the eleventh century. It is the largest staying country of enclosed heath, grazing land and wood in South England. The Crown still today owns most of the land of the New Forest. William the Conqueror enforced many Torahs on how the land was to be used by the local dwellers. Timess were difficult for the common people they were independently restricted in what they could works and graze on the land. In 1698 the people of the land gained commoning rights by the Crown. When the Commoning rights were given a tribunal was set in topographic point the Verderers tribunal and it had many functions to play within the New Forest ; to pull off and protect agricultural patterns, to continue its alone landscape, zoology and vegetation and to prolong it for the future coevalss. There are three chief rivers in the New Forest portion of the Hampshire basin which drain to the south the Avon, Lymington and the Beaulieu. All of which shape the land flower stalk. The geology besides plays a portion in the New forest which I will explicate in more depth subsequently. The New Forest covers 571 km2 with 118 km2 being heathland and grassland, 33 km2 wet heath and 84 km2 tree plantations planted in the 1700s. Many restrictions and regulations set by the Crown are still in topographic point today to pull off the land. The New Forest has been a site of involvement for a long clip and the wish to continue it. It has gone through many phases of categorization such as a SSSI, World Heritage, to eventually a National Park the highest degree of protection in 2005. It was awarded this position due to its alone home grounds and linked to this the zoology and vegetation. It has 75 % of Europe & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s low prevarication quags ( bogs ) and 40 % of western Europe & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s heathland in fact 50 % of the New Forest is woodland enclosures. Within the New Forest there is 46 works species which are international rare and many types of animate beings from lizards to the usual ponies, cervid, cowss and hogs. All of these factors shape the land in how it is managed and what they need to continue. During a recent field trip made by the Geography and Environmental Science pupils of the University of Greenwich, six chief home grounds were identified within the New Forest: Grassland/lawns, Heath, Woodland, Mires, Settlements/agricultural lands and a portion of the seashore. All of these home grounds are managed in some manner normally be an interested administration of the New Forest.Grassland and Forest LawnsAcidic Grasslan d in the New Forest is really common and is found along hill sides and at the patio. The key to this is through the geology of the land, the New Forest lies within the Hampshire Basin. Due to this most of the sedimentations of dirt have a sand like construction overlaid by acidic alimentary hapless dirt therefore any rainfall and foods are absorbed rapidly and lost through drainage, the land is really porous in these countries. The dominant workss of this home ground are thick Bracken gown, Bristle-bent grass and Heather. Forest Lawns in the New Forest frequently occur near a H2O beginning e.g. a watercourse. These countries are really level and merely cover a little sum of land inside the New Forest. Yet this home ground is the most utile for croping therefore of import for the 500 practicing common mans today. Deluging in the winter provides the dirts with the of import foods to maintain the flora healthy and to be able to turn back rapidly. The flora can to an extent become immune to croping from animate beings such as cowss, ponies and cervid so over graze can assist this home ground remain managed and be utile. Vegetation in this home ground includes Herbs and Grasses of a broad scope.ManagementThese home grounds are linked and both managed by the Forestry Commission. Bracken can turn rapidly and is really dominant over other species such as ling so every twelvemonth the Commission takes on controlled combustion of furze and ling. The foods from this combustion helps maintain the dirt healthy and therefore encourages growing on the acidic land. The Pteridium esculentum is harvested in the summer months to halt them smothering the workss beneath them when they wilt subsequently on in the twelvemonth. The Pteridium esculentum is so sold to local concerns in the country.HeathThe New Forest has the largest country of Heathland in Europe. The dry countries along the tops of the hills are dominated by Heather and Gorse the diverseness of these workss is low. It is peculiarly of import to reptilians and many types of birds. In fact the rare Smooth serpent is found in good Numberss due to the heathland in the New Forest is being protected. The rich Lichen communities a type of flora has a big diverseness and is of import to the invertebrates in this home ground. On low lying depressions and valley side that incline gently wet heath workss can be found. The land in these countries is more concentrated and workss such as the Purple-moor grass are widespread.https: // q=tbn: ANd9GcT-z-sYPl6IXiz6TF5G4n2EovbqJVElYOkLVROzdvYrdvycUg1IpQManagementThis home ground is managed by the Forestry Commission non merely does controlled combustion encourages the growing of flora it besides protects other home grounds from being endangered. Woodland enclosures sprout across this habitat portion of the mosaic form, yet if the heathland was left to go overgrown the hazard of wild fires would increase. Heathland flora is really dry and can catch fire easy and distribute. Many forest enclosures are really old dating back to the 1700 & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s and they are a portion of some delicate ecosystems which are rare.ForestThe New wood has a few types of different forest home grounds largely determined by the trees either cone-bearing or deciduous or a mixture. Ancient grazing land forest is unenclosed countries where animate beings such as ponies, cowss and cervid can crop. The trees are allowed to turn, dice and disintegrate of course wit hout human intercession ; the dominant species are Oak and Beech both of which are deciduous trees. ) Beech is normally found in the desiccant countries where dirt is non rich in foods plenty for Oak and other species to turn. In wetter countries with poorer drainage Oaks are the dominant coinage with a mix of Beech, Ash, Yew and Birch. Yew is a cone-bearing tree significance this type of forest has a broad assortment of tree species.ManagementThe forest committee manages this home ground by cutting back holly when it becomes overgrown to halt it stamp downing other species.http: // On a recent field trip made by the Geography and Environmental Science pupils of the University of Greenwich it was observed that some forest countries are manmade due to the trees holding been planted in lines with even spacing. It was besides noticed that similar species were all planted in the same country and that there was non a random fluctuation of species that would otherwise occur in a natural environment.ManagementThese woodland countries are managed by the common mans and the Forestry committee, the Forestry committee cut the tree subdivisions so nil grows underneath the upper canopy. This has left a noticeable spread between the trees high subdivisions and the forest floor. The common mans have their animate beings graze in these countries the animate beings stop works species on the land growth and going excessively thick to pull off. Birch and Oak mix forest are found in spots on the Heathland these are by and large the enclosed countries. They have been enclosed to halt the trees distributing farther into the grassland and it to protect the enclosed forest ecosystem from croping animate beings. Birds like the Wood Pecker, Nuthatch and Tree creeper are found in these grazing land forest.ManagementThis Habitat is managed by the forestry committee the program is to increase these enclosures across the New Forest.MiresThere are 120 Mires in Western Europe 90 of which are located in the New Forest. They are located at the underside of the vales and the inclines the dirt is for good saturated. When dirt is H2O logged organic affair does non interrupt down like it would if the dirt was dry. The organic affair amasses over clip and is eventually laid down as peat. As the peat construct up it creates an about solid surface drifting on top of H2O, workss can so turn on this top bed. The workss are mosses, white beaked sed ge and asphodel these can turn rapidly due to alimentary rich dirt gained from H2O being drained from the environing stones and dirts. The quags have somewhat different home grounds within its ain system, towards the border the dirts have a poorer make up of foods so workss such as daily dews grow here. Towards the Centre where the dirt is really rich bog Vinca minor and violet moor-grass grows. At some of the larger mires up to 150 different types of works species can be found.ManagementThe forestry committee manages this home ground they are responsible for Restoration undertakings to profit the wildlife in this ecosystem.CoastThe New Forest besides contains 26 stat mis of coastline a portion of this home ground includes shingle beaches these beaches and there spits support a big scope of Marine workss and animate beings. The shake beaches are of import for migratory birds as a genteelness country, such as the black-headed chump and tern. hypertext transfer protocol: // the New Forest some of the low drops and shake beaches are being managed but non in the traditional sense where tongues and other sea defense mechanisms one time stood, they have been left to go out-of-date and overpowered by the sea and are now efficaciously useless. These countries have weak drops were changeless eroding is taking topographic point. The drops have now been left to gnaw of course and no defense mechanisms are to be put into topographic point.HazardsThe New Forest was the last topographic point of specific involvement to go a National Park in the UK. It was granted this protection due to lifting hazards from many parts. The population denseness of the country is now 34 000 this is because during the 70s to 80s there was a rise in substructure development. The land the New Forest is on is really easy to construct upon, level land and soft dirts. Not merely has the population risen but the figure of tourers has increased on norm there are 13.5 million visitants yearly of which 96 % thrust to the New Forest to curtail fig ure of visitants and pollution from the autos the New Forest has merely 135 auto Parkss. The figure of visitants to the New Forest has been good for local concerns and helped turn local towns such as Lyndhurst into a king protea site, conveying in more of a assortment in stores and increased the criterion of life. This knock on consequence has provided 2451 direct occupations to the New Forest. It is estimated that 110 million lbs is spent by visitants yearly and 72 million if you take into history escape. Yet with all these positive impacts they besides bring negatives issues such as traffic 2nd places have been bought intending belongings monetary values have increased. Stock in stores can go sold out really rapidly and due to the increasing disbursals to populate in the country merely 500 practising common mans still exist. This has created a clang between the local & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s civilization and history vs. tourers demands. Tourism and an addition in population are non the lone hazards for the New Forest Climate alteration is a factor which will come into drama in the hereafter. With lifting sea degrees the coastal part of the New Forest will gnaw really rapidly altering the home ground. As the regional temperature changes the heathland home ground will go to dry attention deficit disorder in the hapless alimentary dirt the workss will shrivel and be more vulnerable to deceasing. All wonts will be affected in some manner due to climate alteration this is due to frequence and sum of rainfall. Some countries will go excessively afloat and other countries the foods in the dirt will be washed off excessively often for it to hold a positive consequence on a home ground.DecisionIn decision the New Forest is a really of import country for its assorted rare home grounds and to back up the significance of the New Forest it has been awarded National Park position. Yet like most rare home grounds they are besides the most vulnerable to alterations in clime and land usage. The direction of the New Forest comprises of many complex beds to suit the demand of many interested parties non merely does it necessitate to provide for tourers and administrations. The direction must besides recognize and integrate the of import cultural significance and patterns for the locals.